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The secret weapon everyone needs to train their dog

There are so many dog trainers out there and here in Leeds there are probably 15-20 separate companies just covering the small town of Morley, where we're based. But alongside in person, qualified trainers and dog behaviour specialists, there's also so much dog training advice on social media these days, too. Whatever platform you use, you'll no doubt find an endless stream of videos, posts and reels all about the best advice for training your dog. Of course, following the right people is a great way to build your knowledge and confidence when it comes to putting that training into action but what if I told you that there's one key thing that you need to train your dog that you probably haven't even seen mentioned before?

This one secret weapon will be the biggest game changer for you and it's nothing to do with growing your knowledge, attending training classes (like ours, held in Morley, Leeds!) or having all the right equipment. No, the absolute key to training your dog is your bond.

It's simple when you think about it, if your dog loves and trusts you, you will achieve every goal you set for training journey because your dog is happy and eager to learn with you, their best friend. When I first adopted my rescue dog, Riley, she was absolutely terrified of everyone and everything. It was so difficult trying to grow our relationship in those first few months because she was fresh from the streets of Romania and didn't have a clue that my husband and I were there to love and protect her. So it took us a while. Riley was extremely reactive to dogs and people as well as being suuuuuper noise sensitive. The first time she looked at me to take control of a situation and realised that I was there to help her sticks in my mind so clearly; It was a Friday night about 3 months after she'd come home with us and my neighbours in the house behind were having a little get together, nothing crazy, but there was music and voices coming through our wall into the early hours of the morning and our scared little dog just didn't know how to handle that. It was awful seeing her so distressed and we tried everything to get het to settle but eventually the only thing that I found that worked was simply curling up on the couch and sleeping right there with her. She was visibly calmer, had stopped reacting to the noise and, honestly, that's when it all clicked for her. She knew from that moment on that I was there to protect her and she didn't need to look out for herself quite so intensely anymore. Just one act of kindness and she suddenly realised we were doing it all for her. It was honestly a beautiful feeling, a tightness around my heart that I can never quite explain, just a little whisper of a connection beginning to build between myself and the daughter that I had chosen. From that moment, her training excelled, her reactivity got better, she started trusting the process and trusting me. Throughout Riley's reactivity training we have been using counter conditioning towards other dogs and that focuses heavily on the dog being calm in the knowledge that no matter what happens, their handler has their back. We wouldn't be where we are now without the bond that we've grown throughout Riley's time with us and definitely not without that scary night that brought us so close together.

Now this is clearly quite an extreme example with a lot of layers to it but the lesson is still the same- start with the foundations of trust and everything else will follow. Whether you're training a new puppy, a rescue dog, an old dog that wants to learn those new tricks that he's heard so much about, it all starts with the bond. This is exactly why using aversive methods such as prong collars, choke chains, lead popping or even just telling your dog off will never work in the long run. Your dog wants to do good for you because they love and respect you, not because they're scared of you or know that if they do exhibit that unwanted behaviour, something bad will happen. They want to work hard for you because they know it will result in praise, food, their favourite toy or, like my dog, a happier and safer life.

Having a dog in your life is such a privilege so don't forget to enjoy the journey but most importantly, love your dog without limitations because that's exactly how they love you.

The bond is everything!

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